please help


New member
Nov 6, 2005
\(\displaystyle \int_\)\(\displaystyle \int_\)k \(\displaystyle e^{-2x(y+2)}\) where 0<x<\(\displaystyle {\infty}\), 0<y<\(\displaystyle {\infty}\)

i need solve for k which is a constant

can some please help im having trouble find out the outer limits for the intergals
I may be out to sea on this, but don't we need to know the order of integration?

It's been a while, so please pardon me if the above is a stupid question....

in class when we learned this my teacher told us the order doesn't matter because these aren't that complicated
It appears that your teacher did not show you how to provide a complete problem statememt. Whether or not we can separate x and y is presently a secondary issue. One cannot solve for k unless one knows the value of the integral.

Is it a Joint Probability Density Function?

Is y = f(x)?

What do you mean by "outer limits of the integral"? Aren't they given?