A mathematician runner starts at point A and runs to the brick wall at some point C. The runner must then run to point B. The mathematician is lazy and wants to run the shortest distance. Find the shortest distance and the ratio of CD to CE.
Hi Jackie:
Did you miss reading the
forum guidelines? You have not posted anything, other than an exercise statement.
You already understand that you need to first write a distance function (i.e., sum of the two hypotenuses involved) and then calculate its derivative, yes? So, what symbols/expressions have you assigned for the unknowns?
We need to see the point in this exercise where you're stuck. If you're not able to do anything, then you need to explain
what confuses you.
Also, your image is way blurry. (In the future, please preview your posts before submitting them, to ensure that everything's jake. You can enlarge and crop images before uploading them, yes?)
Is the distance AE given as 500 feet?
It looks like BD is 300 feet and ED is 1200 feet, but I'm not 100% on that.
Once we see what you're doing, we can begin to provide guidance.
Cheers :cool: