Hi there, this is probably a really easy question for you maths people, but for some reason I cannot get my headaround it and I would be so grateful for some help.
It is in relation to a legal compensation claim. It is about apportioning responsibility for someone's medical symptoms to each of three events that have occurred. This is how it goes:
The person had some symptoms which existed before any of the events.
Then there were three events. I need to work out what percentage of current symptoms relate to each event.
Pre-existing symptoms = S
Event 1 added 50% to S so after that she had S+50%
Event 2 added 20% to what she had by that stage so after that she had (S + 50%) + 20%
Event 3 added further 25% so after that she had ((S+50%) + 20%) + 25%
Which is current symptoms= C
So I need to know: what proportion of C is S
Then I can work out the other sums to show how much of C is contributed to by each event
It is in relation to a legal compensation claim. It is about apportioning responsibility for someone's medical symptoms to each of three events that have occurred. This is how it goes:
The person had some symptoms which existed before any of the events.
Then there were three events. I need to work out what percentage of current symptoms relate to each event.
Pre-existing symptoms = S
Event 1 added 50% to S so after that she had S+50%
Event 2 added 20% to what she had by that stage so after that she had (S + 50%) + 20%
Event 3 added further 25% so after that she had ((S+50%) + 20%) + 25%
Which is current symptoms= C
So I need to know: what proportion of C is S
Then I can work out the other sums to show how much of C is contributed to by each event