Question 1
Suppose that f : (a, b) → R and a < c < b. and f is differentiable at c with derivative ?′(?)
And ?′(?) exist for c ∈ (a, b). If ?=0.28,?= 0.31 and ?′(?)=0 then
A) Find c by numerical differentiation method with Four decimal place accuracy
B) Estimate forward difference approximations of O(h) and O(h2), and central difference approximations of O(h2) and O(h4) for the first derivative of ?(?) at x=0 using a value of h=0.01
Question 2
A) find first derivative of function ?(?)=?cos (?)cos (?) at x=7.Y (with steps)*
B) Use Richardson extrapolation to estimate the first derivative of ?(?)=?cos (?)cos (?) at ?=7.? using step size of ℎ= 0.5
Employ centered differences of O(h2) for the initial estimates.,|????? | < 0.00001%)* *. Y is your last digit of old matric number, example, for KIA180057, x=7.7
Suppose that f : (a, b) → R and a < c < b. and f is differentiable at c with derivative ?′(?)
And ?′(?) exist for c ∈ (a, b). If ?=0.28,?= 0.31 and ?′(?)=0 then
A) Find c by numerical differentiation method with Four decimal place accuracy
B) Estimate forward difference approximations of O(h) and O(h2), and central difference approximations of O(h2) and O(h4) for the first derivative of ?(?) at x=0 using a value of h=0.01
Question 2
A) find first derivative of function ?(?)=?cos (?)cos (?) at x=7.Y (with steps)*
B) Use Richardson extrapolation to estimate the first derivative of ?(?)=?cos (?)cos (?) at ?=7.? using step size of ℎ= 0.5
Employ centered differences of O(h2) for the initial estimates.,|????? | < 0.00001%)* *. Y is your last digit of old matric number, example, for KIA180057, x=7.7