Please help me do Richter scale tasks

Mad Scientist

New member
Dec 15, 2013
I apologize that this is in the wrong section, as I'm new here. But I really need some mathematician help with some tasks. I'm sadly not too good with math, like all my family, so I need some additional help.

Formula to be used here (If you can't by this one, then do with one you can, but this one is preferred):

. . . . .\(\displaystyle Mr\, =\, \dfrac{2}{3}IgE-3.2\)

a) In 1960 22nd May in Chile happened an earthquake, which was 9.5 strong by Richter's scale. How big joule energy happened during the Earthquake?

c) How big joule energy happens during 9;9,1;9,2;9,3 strong Earthquake?

d) A guy says that earthquakes of 9 and 9,3 strength by Richter's scale are in the same strength. What would you answer to him? (With proves)

(There's no b) If something isn't clear then please let me know. And please do every task showing how you got to the answer. It's really important for me and greatly appreciated.
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Formula to be used here (If you can't by this one, then do with one you can, but this one is preferred):

. . . . .\(\displaystyle Mr\, =\, \dfrac{2}{3}IgE-3.2\)
Please reply with the definitions for each of the variables in the above formula: E, g, I, M, and r.

please do every task showing how you got to the answer. It's really important for me and greatly appreciated.
Actually, showing your work is kinda your task.

Since your book and your class notes already have loads of worked examples, our doing this one for you, too, obviously won't make much difference in your comprehension. So kindly please write back with your efforts so far, so we can try to figure out where things are going sideways. Thank you! ;)
This is an individual work given, kinda like a thing to increase your mark in math, so there are no examples done before at all.

E is energy (joules)
lg is logarithm, I think.
Mr, I don't know myself.

And that 9,5 should be plugged into where that Mr is? Like ''10 3/2 (9,5+3,2)= energy''?

But thanks a lot for the help so far though. :) (Is here a rep system that I can rep a user?)
OK thanks!

So for other tasks I simply change that Mr, for example to 9.3 and the rest remains the same right?