IF you really have "tried a lot of times" you should have included at least one of that attempts. That would let us know what you do understand about this problem, where you need help- at least that you know what "undetermined coefficients" means!
First, the "associated homogeneous equation" is y''+ 2y'- 3y= 0. That has characteristic equation \(\displaystyle r^2+ 2r- 3= (r- 1)(r+ 3)= 0\).
So what is the general solution to that associated homoteneous equation?
Now all you need to do is find a single solution to the entire equation and add it to that general solution. Since the right hand side is sin(x) and I know that the derivative of sin(x) is cos(x) and the derivative of cos(x), I would try a solution of the form y= Acos(x)+ Bsin(x) (A and B are the "undetermined coefficients). What do you get when you take the first and second derivatives of that and put them into the equation?