Periodic Functons help


New member
Jul 30, 2015
I have A2 C3 maths periodic functions questions which I am unsure how to do them. I have to sketch some graphs, which vary by being odd/even, period (mainly 2), and sketch the graph where f(x)=x. It also gives an interval to be in, such as -4 to 4, with x being inbetween and can be both.

I am not sure what I draw, what alterations to make because of periods and whether a period is that interval and I go outside it for another period.

Any help would be appreciated.
I have to sketch some graphs, which vary by being odd/even, period (mainly 2), and sketch the graph where f(x)=x. It also gives an interval to be in, such as -4 to 4, with x being inbetween and can be both.

I am not sure what I draw, what alterations to make because of periods and whether a period is that interval and I go outside it for another period.

Any help would be appreciated.
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