Percentages: 101 to 67 is decrease of 34; what is the percentage?


New member
Mar 10, 2023

I need to work the below in percentage terms, I would be grateful if someone could help.

Last Months Cases 101
This Months 67
Difference between both months 34

I need to know the percentage difference between last month and this months difference in a percentage amount.

Can someoneplease help,

Thank you all in advance.
Last Months Cases 101
This Months 67
Difference between both months 34

I need to know the percentage difference between last month and this months difference in a percentage amount.
For any percent-of exercise, the standard equation is:

(this) is (some percent) of (that)

You know that the change is a decrease. You want to find the percentage of the original value that this decrease represents. In other words, you are wanting to figure out (this decrease) is (some percent) of (the original amount). Noting that "is" means "equals" and "of" means "times", plug your values into the equation, and solve for the unknown (some percent).

If you get stuck, please reply showing your thoughts and efforts so far. Thank you!

67/101= 0.6633
* by 100 to get percentage = 66.33
to find out the percentage decease, minus the above percentage from 100
so 100 - 66.33 = 33.66
so last months percentage decease to this months is a decrease of 33.66%
67/101= 0.6633
* by 100 to get percentage = 66.33
to find out the percentage decease, minus the above percentage from 100
so 100 - 66.33 = 33.66
so last months percentage decease to this months is a decrease of 33.66%

I see that you are responding to a thread that is nine months old. The post has been inactive as the original poster
has not come back to it, and the last post by anyone before you was also nine months ago.

Here are certain corrections or clarifications:

\(\displaystyle 67/101 \approx 0.6634\)

Multiply that by \(\displaystyle \ 100 \% \ \) to get a percentage:

\(\displaystyle (0.6634)(100 \%) \ = \ 66.34 \% \)

To find out the percentage decrease, subtract the above percentage from \(\displaystyle \ 100 \% \):

\(\displaystyle 100 \% - 66.34 \% \ = \ 33.66 \% \)

So, last month's percentage decrease to this month's is a decrease of \(\displaystyle \ 33.66 \% .\)