Percentage Summative


New member
Apr 28, 2020
Tina's monthly salary is £3,000. If she spends 30% of her salary on rent, 16% on food, and 18% on transportation, how much does she have remaining at the end of the month?
Can we assume that the £3000 is net salary? Can we assume that "rent", "food" and "transportation" are the only expenses? If so, the quickest way to do this is to sum the 30%, 16%, and 18% to determine what total percentage is spent, subtract from 100% to determine what percentage is left, then take that percentage of £3,000.
Can we assume that the £3000 is net salary? Can we assume that "rent", "food" and "transportation" are the only expenses? If so, the quickest way to do this is to sum the 30%, 16%, and 18% to determine what total percentage is spent, subtract from 100% to determine what percentage is left, then take that percentage of £3,000.
This isn't my question but I'm intrigued do you mean like this?

The monthly salary of Tina = .......

Let the salary spent on house rent = x

Let the amount spent on other things be =y

so total expenditure be= x+y

savings = salary(monthly)-x+y