Percentage: 1st exam weighs 70%, 2nd exam 30%. If 78% on 1st, then what is....


New member
May 18, 2016
Hello, I am new here and I would be really grateful if you could help me.

My question is if I have two (I am not sure if it's a good example but let's try) exams. The first one weighs 70% and the second one - 30% to the overall mark. If you have on the first exam 78% out of 100%, how many percentage is your current overall mark?
Hello, I am new here and I would be really grateful if you could help me.

My question is if I have two (I am not sure if it's a good example but let's try) exams. The first one weighs 70% and the second one - 30% to the overall mark. If you have on the first exam 78% out of 100%, how many percentage is your current overall mark?
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Hint: Suppose you divide 100 items into two piles, Pile 1 with 60 [60% of the grade] and Pile 2 with 40 [40% of the grade]. Now suppose you get 25% from Pile 1 [25% of Pile 1 = 25% of 60% of 100 items = 0.25*0.60*100=15]. How many [percentage wise] would that be of the original 100 items?
My question is if I have two...exams. The first one weighs 70% and the second one - 30% to the overall mark. If you have on the first exam 78% out of 100%, how many percentage is your current overall mark?
To learn how to compute your weighted grade, try here. ;)