Umm... what's really the difference? Isn't the inner product for both 0? So I thought conjugate is very similar to orthogonal, but what's the difference? (This came up from conjugate gradient algorithm)
I think it's a subtle difference, that can be ignored in practice.
I checked two sources, and I saw the phrases "conjugate vectors", "orthogonal vectors", and "conjugate, orthogonal vectors" used (it seemed to me) interchangably.
Both sources stated the distinction as: conjugate means orthogonal with respect to an inner product with a weight matrix.
If you can understand what they mean by referencing the inner product that way, good for you.
I did not write "with respect to a weight matrix".
I wrote "with respect to an inner product".
The inner product involves the weight matrix A.
I don't fully understand the distinction; yet, I don't think such understanding is important, in practice.
I see this situation as similar to the distinction between roots and zeros. Polynomials have roots; functions have zeros. But these nouns are practically the same; they both represent the solutions to a polynomial equation set equal to zero. The distinction in terminology is generally not important, in practice.
If anybody here understands a clear and important distinction between the phrases "conjugate vectors", "orthogonal vectors", and "conjugate, orthogonal vectors", then I hope they post it.
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