Ordered pairs and functions


New member
Feb 27, 2006
Would anyone be able to help me explain the connection between sets of order pairs and a function?
thanks a mil,
Something very fishy is going on here. I just wanted to let you know that I've noticed something odd with your posts.
If each of A and B is a non-empty set, then \(\displaystyle \L
A \times B = \{ (x,y):x \in A\quad \& \quad y \in B\}\).

Now if \(\displaystyle \L
R \subseteq A \times B\) then \(\displaystyle \L
R\) is said to be relation from A to B.

The statement that \(\displaystyle \L
f\) is a function from A to B means that:
1) \(\displaystyle \L
f\) is a relation from A to B,

2) \(\displaystyle \L
\left( {\forall a \in A} \right)\left( {\exists b \in B} \right)\left[ {(a,b) \in f} \right]\), in word every element of A is the first term of some pair in \(\displaystyle \L

3) NO two pairs in \(\displaystyle \L
f\)have the same first term.
whitetoastisgood said:
Would anyone be able to help me explain the connection between sets of order pairs and a function?
What is the definition of a set of ordered (note spelling) pairs? What is the definition of a relation? What is the definition of a function? Draw a Venn Diagram, and show the relationships between these sets. Review some graphs. Look at some multi-valued functions.

Then you think about it a while, and you write your thoughts.


P.S. to tutors: Whaddya wanna bet this is for an education class? :wink:
Wow, and to think i thought this site was created to help. Thanks for the help and the sarcasm.
BTW, not an education major or an education class. Sorry to disappoint.
whitetoastisgood said:
Wow, and to think i thought this site was created to help. Thanks for the help and the sarcasm.
BTW, not an education major or an education class. Sorry to disappoint.

I gave you the complete answer.
What more do you expect?
whitetoastisgood said:
Wow, and to think i thought this site was created to help.
Yes, this site "helps" -- with speciifc hints and suggestions on specific exercises. Whoever told you that the tutors here write papers (journal entries, whatever) or (re-)teach courses was mistaken, I'm afraid.

I apologize for the confusion but, in all fairness, you'd have know how this forum works if you'd done us the courtesy of reading the "Read Before Posting" message provided for you at the very top of this category.

In any case, you have now received replies to all of your posts, including mini-lessons, outlines, suggestions, requests for clarifications, and hints on how to proceed. If you would now like to put some effort of your own into this endeavor, that would be great. But we do need to see something from you.

Thank you for your consideration and cooperation.
