If I want to estimate lifetime customer value as a primary benchmark for performance, and I charge $10/month for Basic service and $20/month for Pro. Which formula best describes my average lifetime customer value across all offerings?
($10)*(%Basic customers)*(Basic average lifetime in months)+($20)*(%Pro customers)*(Pro average lifetime in months)
($10)*(% Basic customers)+($20)*(% Pro customers)
($10+$20)*(% Basic customers)*(Basic average lifetime in months)/($20)*(% Pro customers)*(Pro average lifetime in months)
($10*20)*(total monthly conversions)/(total customer count)
($10)*(%Basic customers)*(Basic average lifetime in months)+($20)*(%Pro customers)*(Pro average lifetime in months)
($10)*(% Basic customers)+($20)*(% Pro customers)
($10+$20)*(% Basic customers)*(Basic average lifetime in months)/($20)*(% Pro customers)*(Pro average lifetime in months)
($10*20)*(total monthly conversions)/(total customer count)