oh so sad

red and white kop! said:
the most sad love story? two parallels fell in love...

Which world did they live in - I assume non-euclidean - but was it spherical or hyperbolic? Did they consult Infinity??
2 parallels (=) in love (0); that's an equation!
0 = 0
Since love = 0 in tennis

Would look better with equal sign inside a large 0
red and white kop! said:
… two parallels fell in love …

Sad? I think it's wonderful!

Quite unlike the vast majority of lovers in the USA, these two will never drift apart. :p


Roses are red
Your heart is green
With a #18 scalpel
I'd bisect your spleen

clap clap clap did you make that up yerself in a moment of romantic rage or did an ex slip it under your door one night?
red and white kop! said:
… did you make that up yerself … Yup … in a moment of romantic rage … Nope

When I read your alert, my wandering mind paused to reflect on what Dr. Lector might do, if he were to become a bitter ex-lover. :|

on the spot inspiration, wow impressive; kinda morbid reflection nevertheless, especially seeing the time period it took you to compose it. more disturbing than impressive on second thought. makes one wonder what youre thinking of. why is your writing blue? need undue attention or wot
red and white kop! said:
… more disturbing than impressive on second thought … Why … thank you!

… why is your writing blue? … That habit arose out of practicality. I often scroll back-and-forth through multi-screen threads; scanning for blue text eases zeroing-in on my comments.