Obtaining derivatives and factoring Polynomials. Please Help


New member
Jun 4, 2010
I am taking a 6 week intensive summer session and we are moving very fast. In the first 2 classes ( a period of 4 days) we have covered average velocity, instantaneous velocity, Limits, determining first derivatives as well as all the rules for factoring polynomials as well how to find the second derivative in addition to learning how to determine which variables have increasing/decreasing concavity, as well as the approximating of tangent lines.

I have not had to think of this stuff in close to 4 years. When I took Algebra in high school, my instructor was very lazy and just assigned homework and out of class reading with very little supplementary information. The quadratic formula was a lost memory until he mentioned it during class. It makes sense, and I understand the concept, though if asked to write it out and explain it from memory I would not be able to.

Can someone on the forum explain these concepts in a clear manner so I can catch up to where the rest of the class is. I have been using the THINKWELL videos on Youtube as a supplementary resource as well as the calculus Livesaver and the complete idiots guide to Calculus. I hope to use this weekend as an opportunity to catch up and possibly get a bit past where the instructor is so if I fall behind I won't be too far gone. He gave up an outline of what is next to come so it could be manageable. He is pretty nice about explaining algebraic rules and formulas, as well as providing a step by step walk through on the topic being discussed so I am confident that once I have factoring and the concepts mentioned above down, I should be good for some time.

Can anyone help!!
What level of course is this?

Almost sounds like that calculus was a pre-requisite for this course. If it was and you have "vague" memory of "quadratic formula" - you ought to really talk to the instructor about your background and where the class is going.

Some useful sites:





Yes, I agree. By this time, the quadratic formula should be second nature. There is plenty of stuff out there if you Google.

You can post a particular problem, but we can not go over all there is to say about derivatives. That is painting with a mighty broad brush.