NYC MetroCard


New member
Apr 25, 2012
Hi all, this is not a school problem, it is a real life problem. I live and work in NYC and use the buses and subways to get around. Each ride costs $2.25. Here is the tricky part: the MTA gives you a 7% credit when you put more than $10.00 on a metrocard at a time (e.g. you put a $10 bill into the machine, you get $10.70 on your card). Here is my question: what amount of more than $10 would I have to put on the card so that the credit I get is evenly divisible by $2.25?

I guess mathematically, the word problem woulf be:

1.07x/2.25 is the lowest possible integer. Solve for x.


Since this isn't homework I'll just give you the bad news. The least amount you can put on your card for what you are asking is $225 giving you $240.75 credit for 107 journeys.

Can you top-up with change ($12.75 for example) ?

Why does it have to be an exact number of journeys?
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Not sure what "top up with change" means. As for it being an exact number, it doesn't have to be, I am just a little OCD about my money being exact.
I'm assuming an MTA is a machine (I'm in UK so don't know). Can you put dimes and cents into the machine?