(number theory): [imath]\exists x[/imath] so [imath]x^2\equiv -1[/imath] (mod p) [imath]\Leftrightarrow p \equiv 1[/imath] (mod 4) with p odd prime.


Junior Member
Feb 1, 2024
The question is basically the title. It's from Algebraic Number Theory, by Alaca and Williams. They use the Legendre symbol to say the same thing. I cannot seem to find it on the internet (I bet it is somewhere, but since they're probably written in Latex, it's hard to search for it)

Firstly, I'll work on "[imath]\Rightarrow[/imath]" (direct implication)

[imath]x^2\equiv -1 \Leftrightarrow x^2\equiv p-1 \Leftrightarrow p \mid x^2-p+1[/imath] (equivalences mod p)
Say [imath]x \in \mathbb{Z}_p[/imath], then [imath]x^2-p+1 \in \{-p+1, ... , p^2-p+1 \}[/imath]. Then since [imath]p \mid x^2-p+1 \Rightarrow x^2-p+1 \in \{0, p \}[/imath].

[imath]x^2-p+1=0[/imath] then [imath]\Delta=4(p-1)[/imath] and we notice p-1 can't be a square if [imath]p \equiv 3[/imath] (mod 4) since all squares mod 4 are 0 or 1...

Similarly if [imath]x^2-p+1=p[/imath] then [imath]\Delta=4(2p-1)[/imath] and we notice if [imath]p \equiv 3[/imath] (mod 4) then [imath]\Delta=4(2(4k+3)-1)=4(8k+5)[/imath] and there are no squares equivalent to 5 mod 8...

But on the other side, the task seems very hard to solve. I am familiar with some very basic tactics of number theory.
I was hoping that maybe I can prove that [imath]\forall i, j \in \mathbb{Z}_p[/imath], [imath]i^2\equiv j^2 \Leftrightarrow i=j[/imath], but it only happens on [imath]i, j \in \{0, ..., \frac{p-1}{2}\}[/imath]. So, in fact, only half of the numbers of [imath]\mathbb{Z}_p[/imath] are quadratic residues ... and I am trying to prove p-1 is one of those quadratic residues.

Any advice?
This statement is equivalent to the formula:
[math] \left(\dfrac{-1}{p}\right) =(-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}} [/math]which says that [imath] -1 [/imath] is a quadratic residue modulo [imath] p [/imath] if [imath] (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}} =1[/imath] which is the case for [imath] p\equiv 1\pmod{4} .[/imath] The only other case is [imath] p\equiv 3\pmod{4} [/imath] which would lead to [imath] \left(\dfrac{-1}{p}\right)=-1 [/imath] and [imath] -1 [/imath] would be a quadratic non residue modulo [imath] p. [/imath]

This formula is a consequence of the law of quadratic reciprocity:
[math] \left(\dfrac{p}{q}\right)\cdot \left(\dfrac{q}{p}\right) = (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}\frac{q-1}{2}}=\begin{cases} 1&\text{if }\;p\equiv 1\pmod{4}\text{ or }q\equiv 1\pmod{4}\\ -1 &\text{if }\;p\equiv 3\pmod{4}\text{ and }q\equiv 3\pmod{4} \end{cases}[/math]So how ever you write this theorem, with or without using Legendre symbols, the key is the quadratic reciprocity theorem.
This statement is equivalent to the formula:
[math] \left(\dfrac{-1}{p}\right) =(-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}} [/math]which says that [imath] -1 [/imath] is a quadratic residue modulo [imath] p [/imath] if [imath] (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}} =1[/imath] which is the case for [imath] p\equiv 1\pmod{4} .[/imath] The only other case is [imath] p\equiv 3\pmod{4} [/imath] which would lead to [imath] \left(\dfrac{-1}{p}\right)=-1 [/imath] and [imath] -1 [/imath] would be a quadratic non residue modulo [imath] p. [/imath]

This formula is a consequence of the law of quadratic reciprocity:
[math] \left(\dfrac{p}{q}\right)\cdot \left(\dfrac{q}{p}\right) = (-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}\frac{q-1}{2}}=\begin{cases} 1&\text{if }\;p\equiv 1\pmod{4}\text{ or }q\equiv 1\pmod{4}\\ -1 &\text{if }\;p\equiv 3\pmod{4}\text{ and }q\equiv 3\pmod{4} \end{cases}[/math]So how ever you write this theorem, with or without using Legendre symbols, the key is the quadratic reciprocity theorem.
But wouldn't p and q have to be primes to apply that formula? (which -1 and p-1 aren't)
But wouldn't p and q have to be primes to apply that formula? (which -1 and p-1 aren't)
The quadratic reciprocity theorem (QRT) requires two primes, yes, but the two supplements of the QRT do only require one. Maybe I was wrong and misled by the word supplement which made me think they were corollaries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_reciprocity#Supplements_to_Quadratic_Reciprocity
The Wikipedia page has also a proof of your statement
using Euler's criterion

So maybe Euler is enough and QRT not necessary.
The quadratic reciprocity theorem (QRT) requires two primes, yes, but the two supplements of the QRT do only require one. Maybe I was wrong and misled by the word supplement which made me think they were corollaries. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_reciprocity#Supplements_to_Quadratic_Reciprocity
The Wikipedia page has also a proof of your statement
using Euler's criterion

So maybe Euler is enough and QRT not necessary.
I see. Thank you!!