Aladdin said:
Peggysue4 said:
I'm going crazy here......can't find the missing number in the sequence:
1 - 8 - 27 - ___ - 125 - 216
The Answer is 64 .
You know (I HOPE) Aladdin, that the answer is not the "be all and end all"
Most times, people asks questions here because they want to know HOW to solve a problem. have this sequence:
How might the numbers in this sequence relate to the TERM NUMBER?
term number = 1, term value= 1
term number = 2, term value = 8.....wait!!! 2^3 = 8
term number = 3, term value = 27.....OH!!! 3^3 = 27
Seeing a pattern now???
term number = 4, term value = 4^3?????
Aladdin...just giving an answer does not help.