not math forum section


New member
Dec 6, 2013
hi there)
Admins, why this great forum hasn't general section for not directly math discussions?
Admins, why this great forum hasn't general section for not directly math discussions?
FreeMathHelp is a math help site. What topics other than math would you feel are appropriate for this help forum? ;)
hi there)
Admins, why this great forum hasn't general section for not directly math discussions?
It does have an Odds and Ends section for discussions that may not be math, but the discussions are generally related to math or logic in some way.
FreeMathHelp is a math help site. What topics other than math would you feel are appropriate for this help forum? ;)

people (not bots) study math - so people need to have free section, where they'll can chat "about life" (in general meaning of this word) ;)