Not good at math but is my math right

Not exactly dripping with pedagogy, but okay. Correct buttons have been pushed.
I don't think I really understand yr comment. Are you saying I'm stupid and it's not right. Or is it right but it's a stupid way of saying it.
Could you please explain.
The question is whether or not you pushed the correct buttons in the right order on your calculator. I'm not sure I could write a whole page of a textbook on this subject.

The responsibility to understand the result remains with the user.

You stated, "Not good at math...". I usually consider that false. You, however, have already made that judgment. Feel free to abandon the idea.
I just googled. What is 14% of 331,002,651and Google calculator said it's 46,340,371.14. Then I googled.
What's is 500,000,000,000
Divided by
46,340,371.14 and Google calaculator
Said 10 789.728.
My understanding of dividding is if You have $100 divide by 2 it's $50.
A straight answer would be nice.
Well, there you go. You ARE good enough at math to find correct answers using Google. Works for me.