I could use some help normalizing certain data sets. It's a sports exercise which compares the statistics of different hockey players from different teams and seasons to see which ones are within a range of similarity. The data I'm trying to normalize is each player's goals on ice per game. If I'm comparing player A v. player B., the data I think I need to use to normalize goals on ice per game is the following:
1. The entire league's goals on ice per game for the season in which Player A played v. the entire league for Player B.
2. Player A's entire team's goals on ice per game v. Player A's league goals on ice per game, contrasted with Player B's entire team's goals on ice per game v. Player B's league.
3. Player A's goals on ice per game v. his entire team's goals on ice per game, contrasted with Player B's goals on ice per game v. player B's entire team's goals on ice per game.
For example:
Player Goals/G -----.71 ------ .76
League v. league ---3.3 ------ 3.8
Team v. League ----1.1 ------ .87
Player v. Team -----.92 ------ .96
So far, all I've been able to do is a type of league v. league normalization, using the following formula: If ABS(.71 - (.76 * (3.3/3.8)) <= .1 Then. Is that even the correct way to normalize league v. league figures. And how do I plug in team v. league and player v. team to ultimately determine whether player A's normalized goals per game is within .1 of player B's normalized goals per game?
Thanks in advance.
1. The entire league's goals on ice per game for the season in which Player A played v. the entire league for Player B.
2. Player A's entire team's goals on ice per game v. Player A's league goals on ice per game, contrasted with Player B's entire team's goals on ice per game v. Player B's league.
3. Player A's goals on ice per game v. his entire team's goals on ice per game, contrasted with Player B's goals on ice per game v. player B's entire team's goals on ice per game.
For example:
Player A -- Player B
Player Goals/G -----.71 ------ .76
League v. league ---3.3 ------ 3.8
Team v. League ----1.1 ------ .87
Player v. Team -----.92 ------ .96
So far, all I've been able to do is a type of league v. league normalization, using the following formula: If ABS(.71 - (.76 * (3.3/3.8)) <= .1 Then. Is that even the correct way to normalize league v. league figures. And how do I plug in team v. league and player v. team to ultimately determine whether player A's normalized goals per game is within .1 of player B's normalized goals per game?
Thanks in advance.