Non-Excel user - Calculate 10 HTML table values daily


New member
Jul 11, 2007
Non-Excel user - Calculate 10 HTML table values daily - Help needed please.

I'm asking for help to use a spreadsheet for the below application. I'll describe what I want later. I'm not one to avoid learning something new. I HATE spreadsheets. I dunno why I don't 'get it' . I can download some freeware to use but still need help in using it.

The application: Yahoo Finance site offers *.csv downloads of data : see below for the page of HTML table that I work with.

link to

Those are a list of stocks , what they sold for today and how many shares sold. I want to be able to multiply the values together and divide some values. Not knowing how to use a spreadsheet and totally clamming up when I've tried I need some help. Maybe someone would be kind enough to create something that I can use or at least learn from.

I don't own Excel . But there are many free spreadsheets online that I can download which I guess work the same way. Right?

Off topic a bit: Perhaps there's a non-spreadsheet way to do what I want. If you know please don't hesitate to mention it.*

The link on the bottom / left side of the table says, "Download to Spreadsheet". If you do that you'll get a comma delimited file of the values in the table above it. Would someone consider working with me to create the spreadsheet I want.. even doing one row would be helpful to me since each row is identical.

If you'll help I'll describe in detail the few calculations I need to do daily. Thanks.


PS: I have a degree in electronics and analytical lab management with experience in gold mining site analysis as well as solar power and installation of systems. I can talk to you about nearly any kinds of physical sciences. If there's any kind of help I can offer you I'm glad to help anyone anytime.

Excel 'web queries' are something that I read just as I'm searching for help for my problem. This is a sample .xls file template which helps to understand how a query works. If this is something that you can tell me will assist me that's fine. If not then it's for your own information.
I'm sorry, but the volunteers here are tutors: they help students work through specific math questions from their math classes. I'm afraid we do not offer the service of software writing.

To obtain the software package you desire (and if off-the-shelf stock trackers, etc, are not sufficiently well-suited to your task), then please consider contracting with a software-writing service, or hiring a coder.

My best wishes to you.

> Those are a list of stocks , what they sold for today and how many shares sold.
> I want to be able to multiply the values together and divide some values.

What is it exactly that you're doing with these "stocks";
looking at the site, I see 16 different stocks, ONLY 5 showing a "volume" amount;
is the "volume" = "how many shares sold"?

What's to prevent you from asking your secretary to "write 'em down" and
perform a few multiplications and divisions using a $9.99 calculator?

You state "Calculate 10 HTML table values daily"; and that means?????

Have you ever done a bit of programming, like in Basic ?
Thanks for the reply Denis. I'm retired so I miss the office and the help around me.

I can use a 9.99 calculator for the work. That's how I do every day.

I have done some basic programming. Nothing occurs to me at the moment
but I'll think about it. Maybe you've got a point about creating something simple
to manage the data.

I am able by downloading from that url a link which gives me that
data in a *.csv or comma delimited format.
I found a software which strips out the commas, and puts everything in columns.
That is helpful. I am able to speed up my manual process a bit.

Yes - Volume does = number of shares sold up to the reporting time of the

My note that says, 'Adding 10 HTML Table values' just means that I want to
add up about 10 values that are in an html table. The listing of numbers on
that pages is called a table and it's contained in the html coding.

Note: The reason you didn't see any volume when you looked is because the
market might have been closed thus no volume ... During the day like now
I'm looking at the url and the column for volume has every slot filled with a
number greater than 111,000. Some as much as 26million. And that's one
of the reasons it's tedius to do the calculation every day.

What I want to do is multiply the volume times the price to get a number.
Then by adding the up stocks to the down stocks I can get a net up or down
value which I'm anxious to see if it correllates with another number that I
get from a stock reporting service.

There's not a lot of money involved. $100 here and there. It's not prudent
to consider paying someone a lot of money to develop a software.

So that's the story. Again thank you for the reply.
And sorry to intrude.
> Thanks for the reply Denis. I'm retired so I miss the office and the help around me.

I'm retarded, whoops retired too!

>I have done some basic programming.


>Note: The reason you didn't see any volume when you looked is because the
>market might have been closed thus no volume ...

I get it...just looked again!

>What I want to do is multiply the volume times the price to get a number.
>Then by adding the up stocks to the down stocks I can get a net up or down
>value which I'm anxious to see if it correllates with another number that I
>get from a stock reporting service.

Repeating: VERY easy if you use Basic; you'd need to manually enter 2 amounts
only for each stock, and you're done. As example (trade, volume):

Data 94.56, 12504308
Data -31.88, 7544450
and so on...

The "negative" sign would simply mean this is a down stock; the program
would simply be set up to keep 2 sets of totals; like:
(t=trade, v=volume, d=down, u=up):
READ t,v
x = t * v
IF x<0 then d = d + x ELSE u = u + x

Above would be done through a loop, of course...