New Style


Staff member
Dec 21, 2002
How does everyone feel about this new style I've got on the message boards today? Is it a little more exciting than the old one? Is it more usable? Less?

Please let me know what you think! Also I will probably get it setup with a couple different themes so that each person can choose between certain styles (including the old one), but if nobody likes this I will probably just forget about it and go back to the old one entirely.

I like the width, Ted. Diagrams in code tags, for example, will look better.

Great stuff!
It seems a little faded, dim, low-contrast to me. But then, I squint at the world through glasses thick enough to start fires (yes, I've checked), so it might just be me.

But the font on the previous forum seemed larger to me, especially when typing replies into the message-entry box, and the entire forum (titles, captions, etc) seemed easier to pick out of the page.

Just my first impression....


Edit: Okay, now I'm getting a "parse" error...?
Okay thanks guys.

Stapel - that parse error was me messing with stuff but you happened to load the page at pretty much the exact 30 seconds when it was messed up ;) Should be good now.

I'll see what I can do about the low-contrast/small font situation.
I like this look Ted. Much more than the older one.

I am wondering, did you get my E-mail involving LaTeX?
Euler - Yes, sorry I didn't reply but I'm looking into it. I know it would be a really great feature. That and being able to easily draw diagrams for people too.


Hello Ted:

I like the colors, and I look forward to seeing the other themes.

One note: When I click on the "Log in" button, I get a message telling me that I've provided incorrect information. Then, about 3 seconds later, the log in screen appears.

~ Mark
Hmm, perhaps you could add a forum for plain old discussion, I would like to get to know some of the people here a bit more but there isn't really an appropriate forum to do it in.

I think I know what you are doing. There are two little white boxes next to the Login button. Those are for username and password, so if you type them in the Login button will take you straight on in. I know they aren't labelled so I will fix that when i get a chance to make it more obvious.


I've gone back and forth about a general discussion forum. I generally like the idea, and I appreciate being able to just talk about "whatever." However, in the past it has become a place for people to post some mildly (and, rarely, extremely) inappropriate stuff. Even without that I think it just doesn't go along with the rest of the site. Some people will also post various statements (politics etc.) that tend to cause conflict, so given our young audience I think I probably won't add a general discussion forum right now. But believe me, I understand where you are coming from. Perhaps I might add some private forums only for regular (usually older) members.

Thanks guys for your feedback!

New question, not style-specific: Would it be possible to add a link (in the style sheet?) just above the message-entry box to Karl's Notes on formatting math? Or maybe have a run-down of how to type math in text-only form, and include it in "News" or as a sticky on each of the tutoring forums?

Yes, the students probably won't read this before posting, but, after they've posted cryptic stuff we can't read, we can point out the link and ask them to follow the directions when they reply with clarifications.

(I love the LaTeX capabilities you've added -- thank you! --, but it seems a bit much to expect that the students who don't use parentheses will suddenly take the time to learn LaTeX commands.)

Just an idea. Thank you for your consideration.

My goal is to gather some resources like that and provide a whole set of links at the top of the page. That way you can direct students to them if they have questions about formatting, using images, etc.
Thanks to EVERYONE who contributes so much to this forum. (I've slacked off quite a bit since everyone else is doing such a thorough and wonderful job. I'm getting lazy, I guess!)) I know it takes a lot of time to "do the things you do." I also know it occasionally takes a lot of patience. :)

Thanks for everything.

FYI I added a couple links to the "Forum Help" menu at the very top of the page. I'll try to add more later, but for now students have quick access to Karl's Notes and a couple LaTeX tutorials. If anyone knows of a really good LaTeX tutorial that would just give students a bare-bones overview to writing equations and such feel free to post a response.

i like this new style! more life! makes math look friendly and easier(eventhough it's kinda hard subject :lol: )
But can we change the font style?
I like the new style as well. It would be nice to hve new themes. Very interesting idea. Also, it would be nice, as Euler said, if we had a forum for postings that don't necesarily have to do with math, but that have to do with getting to know each other. I also wanted to say thanks to all of the moderators and Ted, and everyone else that helps out so much on here. I have learned a lot from you guys and I really appreciate everyone's help.
I like the new style, but I just found out how to change the style and I think that was a great idea as well.
I found out today that the styles could be changed as well. I changed mine to the subsilver theme, which is the same as the (one and only) theme used on the S.O.S. Math Cyberboard.

One comment about the subsilver theme though. In the upper-left corner of the page is the phpBB logo. I think this might be a mistake; should it be replaced with the logo?