new problem


New member
Mar 26, 2006
"The rail line between two cities consists of two segments, one 96km longer than the other. A passenger train averages 60 km/h over the shorter segment, 120 km/h over the longer, and 100 km/h for the entire trip. How far apart are the cities?"

i came up with a chart to show the info. easier, but like the other one i am haing trouble setting this one up. thank you for any assistence that you may be able to show me. I have understood all of the other problems in the assignment except these two problems.
pinkdee said:
i came up with a chart to show the info. easier...
That sounds like a great start. :D

Please reply with your chart (including definitions for any variables), and we'll be glad to check it out, help you correct it (if necessary), and then move forward.

Thank you.

pinkdee said:
"The rail line between two cities consists of two segments, one 96km longer than the other. A passenger train averages 60 km/h over the shorter segment, 120 km/h over the longer, and 100 km/h for the entire trip. How far apart are the cities?"

1--Let the first leg be D.
2--Let the second leg be D + 96
3--Then, D/60 + (D + 96)/120 = [D + (D + 96)]/100
Solve for D.