needing help on where to start


New member
Jan 13, 2009
I have been given some problems for my chemistry home work to review algebraic techniques and I have not done math in about a year.

(3/2+x)+(1/3+x)=15 I need to find x and I forgot how to do this type of problem. Please help me remember.
Heidem said:
I have been given some problems for my chemistry home work to review algebraic techniques and I have not done math in about a year.

(3/2+x)+(1/3+x)=15 I need to find x and I forgot how to do this type of problem. Please help me remember.

If your problem looks like:

\(\displaystyle \frac{3}{2+x} \, + \, \frac{1}{3+x} \, = \, 15\) you should have posted it as 3/(2+x) + 1/(3+x) = 15


how would you, without using calculator, find the value of 3/35 + 5/21?

Please show us your work, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we know where to begin to help you.

if your problem looks like

\(\displaystyle (\frac{3}{2} \, + \, x) \, + \, (\frac{1}{3} + x) \, = \, 15\) then you have posted correctly and follow royhaas's advice.