This one might be a difficult one:
This is what i have calculated
(Partial derivative w.r.t x) dfdx= -(e2yy)/(y2+x2)
(Partial derivative w.r.t y) dfdy= (e2yx)/(y2+x2) + 2e2yarctan(y/x)
(Partial derivative w.r.t z) dfdz= ez
Here comes the problem
g(s,t)=f(s,u(s,t),v(s,t)), where u(s,t)=st and v(s,t)=s+t
Use the chain rule or invariance of property of differentials to find the first order partial derivatives
(dg/ds and dg/dt). Answer should be expressed in terms of s and t only
can someone please help me?
This is what i have calculated
(Partial derivative w.r.t x) dfdx= -(e2yy)/(y2+x2)
(Partial derivative w.r.t y) dfdy= (e2yx)/(y2+x2) + 2e2yarctan(y/x)
(Partial derivative w.r.t z) dfdz= ez
Here comes the problem
g(s,t)=f(s,u(s,t),v(s,t)), where u(s,t)=st and v(s,t)=s+t
Use the chain rule or invariance of property of differentials to find the first order partial derivatives
(dg/ds and dg/dt). Answer should be expressed in terms of s and t only
can someone please help me?