Need help with question in Integration and Gaussian Elimination subjects.


New member
Sep 28, 2022
I am learning Integration and Gaussian Elimination and have come across a few questions which have completely stumped me. It is possible my prerequisite knowledge is not there or I'm just missing something but I would greatly appreciate any help with how to solve the below question or where to look to begin.
Thank you so much for your time.
I am learning Integration and Gaussian Elimination and have come across a few questions which have completely stumped me. It is possible my prerequisite knowledge is not there or I'm just missing something but I would greatly appreciate any help with how to solve the below question or where to look to begin.
Thank you so much for your time.
View attachment 34169

You are given an equation:

d = c0 + v0* t + a * t2/2 .................................(1)

You are also given:

The object is 30 meters away from the observer after 1 second. So, using equation (1), we get,

30 = c0 + v0* 1 + a * 12/2

30 = c0 + v0 + a * 0.5 ................................. (2)

Now write the equation(3) for d= 85 & t = 2 and equation(4) for d= 170 & t = 3

Equations (2) & (3) & (4) will give you 3 simultaneous equations in 3 unknowns. You should know how to solve for c0, v0 & a using "Gaussian elimination and substitution".

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