Given any n data points (no two points having the same x value) there exist an n-1 degree polynomial that passes exactly through those points. "Leibniz formula" gives a way to calculate that polynomial: if the points are \(\displaystyle (x_1, y_1)\), \(\displaystyle (x_2, y_2)\), ..., \(\displaystyle (x_n, y_n)\), the formula is
\(\displaystyle \sum_{i= 1}^n y_i\dfrac{(x- x_1)\cdot\cdot\cdot(x- x_{i-1})(x- x_{i+1})\cdot\cdot\cdot (x- x_n)}{(x_i- x_1)\cdot\cdot\cdot(x_i- x_{i-1})(x_i- x_{i+1})\cdot\cdot\cdot (x_i- x_n)}\)
Notice that the "ith" term does NOT include "\(\displaystyle x- x_i\)" in the numerator but every other term does. If x is equal to one of the "\(\displaystyle x_i\), then every term except that "ith" term will include \(\displaystyle x_i- x_i= 0\) while in the "ith" term the fraction will be equal to 1 so the sum is just \(\displaystyle 0+ 0+ ...+ y_i+ ...+ 0+ 0= y_i\).
For this particular list of points, (0, 0), (-0.04, -0.05), (-0.06667, -0.1), (-0.1, -0.2), (-0.13, -0.4), (0.1, 0.2), (0.12, 0.3), (0.14286, 0.5), 9 points, this gives the 8th degree polynomial
\(\displaystyle -.05\dfrac{x(x+ 0.0667)(x+ 0.1)(x+ 0.13)(x- 0.1)(x- 0.3)(x- 0.14286)}{(-0.04)(-0.04+ 0.06667)(-0.04+ 0.1)(-0.04- 0.12)(-0.04- 0.14286)}- 0.1\dfrac{x(x+ 0.04)(x+ 0.1)(x+ 0.13)(x- 0.1)(x- 0.3)(x- 0.14286)}{(-0.06667)(+-0.06667+ 0.04)(-0.06667+ 0.1)(-0.06667- 0.12)(-0.06667- 0.14286)}+ \) etc.