I have to answer and show my work for this problems.
Solve the following equations for the variable x.
1. 4x = y
2. xyz = t
3. 4xz = P
4. y = xtz
5. 3.5tpx = R
I have not had any algebra before, this is part of an on-line college course for Business Admin.( did not know I would have to take algebra for this course. Accounting yes, Algebra no.) And the text book and CD that was sent are no help, believe me. I have other algebra problems (ex. Thermodynamics) that make no sense that are part of this course. Please help I have tried software and other help site and I am having no luck.
Solve the following equations for the variable x.
1. 4x = y
2. xyz = t
3. 4xz = P
4. y = xtz
5. 3.5tpx = R
I have not had any algebra before, this is part of an on-line college course for Business Admin.( did not know I would have to take algebra for this course. Accounting yes, Algebra no.) And the text book and CD that was sent are no help, believe me. I have other algebra problems (ex. Thermodynamics) that make no sense that are part of this course. Please help I have tried software and other help site and I am having no luck.