having doubt plz help
lim x->0 [sin(abs(x))/x]
where abs is mod and [] denotes greatest function integer
for x-->0+ am getting 0
but for x-->0- how come it is -1
i know Limit won't exist getting it from 2nd method plz tell me
m confused
see limx->0- [-sinx/x] inside part should be lesser than 1 nah :O how come the value inside would be greater than 1 :O
if it greater than 1 then m getting answer but how it will be greater than 1 :'(
limx->0- [-sinx/x]
inside part sinx/x will be lesser than or greater than one ??????
lim x->0 [sin(abs(x))/x]
where abs is mod and [] denotes greatest function integer
for x-->0+ am getting 0
but for x-->0- how come it is -1
i know Limit won't exist getting it from 2nd method plz tell me
m confused
see limx->0- [-sinx/x] inside part should be lesser than 1 nah :O how come the value inside would be greater than 1 :O
if it greater than 1 then m getting answer but how it will be greater than 1 :'(
limx->0- [-sinx/x]
inside part sinx/x will be lesser than or greater than one ??????