Need fraction word problem help...


New member
Jan 10, 2013
a recipe calls for 3/4 cups of walnuts...anna decides to use 1/4 of that amount. How much does anna use? can someone help me figure this problem out? Thanks!
a recipe calls for 3/4 cups of walnuts...anna decides to use 1/4 of that amount. How much does anna use? can someone help me figure this problem out? Thanks!

If a different recipe called for 8 tablestoons of walnuts and you decided to make a double batch, how many tablespoons would you need?

\(\displaystyle 2 * 8 = 16.\) Make sense?

So if you decided to make a quarter of a batch, how many tablespoons would you need?

\(\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{4} * 8 = 2.\) With me so far?

Well, it does not change just because the original recipe involved a fraction, namely three quarters of a cup.

\(\displaystyle \dfrac{1}{4} * \dfrac{3}{4}\) Do you know how to multiply a fraction by a fraction?