My head is spinning! Please help.


New member
Sep 12, 2009
I'm not even sure where to start to be able to solve this. Can anyone explain to me how to go about solving it? Thanks.

As a way to limit the mileage on their cars and avoid the hassels of traffic, six married couples decided to start taking the train together to work every day. Each station charges a different amount of money per ride, depending on its distance from the main station, so each husband (Aaron, Dudley, Joel, Noah, Randolph, and Virgil) pays a different amount ($2.00, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.50, or $7.50) for a daily round-trip ticket. Each wife (Christy, Dora, Lois, Monica, Sharon, and Valerie) also pays a different amount ($3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $7.00, $8.00, or $9.00) for her daily round-trip ticket. Can you determine the fare each man pays for his daily ticket, match him with his wife, and determine the fare each woman pays for her ticket?

1. Lois's husband pays more for his ticket than Dudley does.

2. Joel's wife pays either $1.00 more or $1.00 less than the woman whose husband pays $1.00 more than Valerie's husband.

3. Sharon pays $1.00 less than the woman whose husband pays $1.00 more than Lois's husband.

4. Christy's husband pays $3.00 per day; Christy pays $1.00 more than the woman whose husband pays $1.00 less than Dora's husband.

5. Noah spends $7.50 per day, while his wife pays $1.00 less than Virgil's wife.

6. Dora pays $1.00 more than Lois.

7. Randolph's wife pays $3.00 per day, while he pays $1.00 less than the man whose wife spends $5.00 each day for train fare.