Must there be a supremum in a bounded infinite set?

The Student

Junior Member
Apr 25, 2012
Must there be a supremum in a bounded infinite set? Why or why not?

*I am sorry, but I meant to put "Must a bounded infinite set have a supremum?" and not necessarily a member of the set.
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Note that "every bounded set of real numbers has a supremum" (and an infimum- technically, "bounded" means bounded both above and below) is a defining property of the real numbers (the "completeness property"). It is NOT true of the set of rational numbers. The set of "all rational numbers whose square is less than 2" has, say, 1.5 as upper bound but does not have a supremum in the rational numbers. As a set of real numbers its supremum is \(\displaystyle \sqrt{2}\) but that is not a rational number.