Multiplying integers


Junior Member
Feb 19, 2010
Can you help me please? I think I have this problem figured out but I need your help to make sure. The problem is (-3)3 - (-8)(-2) need to multiply. What I came up with is this: (-3)(-3)(-3) = -27 -8x-2=16 27-16=-43. Did I do it correctly? Please advise. Thank you.
Can you help me please? I think I have this problem figured out but I need your help to make sure. The problem is (-3)3 - (-8)(-2) need to multiply. What I came up with is this: (-3)(-3)(-3) = -27 -8x-2=16 27-16=-43. Did I do it correctly? Please advise. Thank you.
(-3)(3)-(-8)(-2)=-9 - 16 = 25
(-3)(-3)(-3) = -27
27-16 =11