Multiplying Fractions or Rational Expressions


New member
Feb 15, 2007
i just started night school and im extreamly bad at math...i have class tonight and im trying to finish my home work...and my very first problem i dont get!

5 over d ( by, . , mulitply ) d2 <((squared))

im not sure if im supoed to place the d squared over 1 and then begin the problem or if i can work the problem as that ...

i thought it might end up like :
5 over d2 (d)

and i have to put this in its simplest form...

can someone please help
Nice try, but I don't understand that at all.

You can use a slash for division.

"five over d" might be "5/d"

You can use this guy "^" for exponents.

"d-squared" would be "d^2"

For multiplication, you can just put things next to each other, or use "*" if nexeccary to clarify.

"5 times d" would be 5d
"5 times 3" would be 5*3

Okay, now give that problem another try.