To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators by the numerators and the denominators by the denominators, cancelling between numerators and denominators where you can. For instance, in the following:
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \L \left(\frac{6x}{5y}\right)\,\left(\frac{10y^2}{3xz}\right)\) would start by cancelling the 3x from the 6x and the 3xz, and cancelling the 5y from the 5y and the 10y<sup>2</sup>. Then you've multiply across to get:
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \L \frac{(2)(2y)}{(1)(z)}\, =\, \frac{4y}{z}\)
Follow this procedure with your exercise.
If you get stuck, please reply showing what you have tried and how far you have gotten. Thank you.