Jayne has 3 quarters, 2 dimes, a nickel, and 2 pennies in her pocket. How many different amounts of money can she make using some or all of these coins? :?:
I tried the list and calculate suggestion b/4 submitting my question-if a question like this is on my test it could take all of my test time just trying to solve this one question with that method. Isn't there a formula to make this easier? HELP!
My reference to b/4 was just short for the word "before". Please read my original question (I'm in sixth grade and ready to through my math book away!!!!!) and if you can HELP I would love to hear from you. My thanks in advance.
I tried the list and calculate suggestion b/4 submitting my question-if a question like this is on my test it could take all of my test time just trying to solve this one question with that method. Isn't there a formula to make this easier? HELP!
My reference to b/4 was just short for the word "before". Please read my original question (I'm in sixth grade and ready to through my math book away!!!!!) and if you can HELP I would love to hear from you. My thanks in advance.