ms.x math-old + new


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Srdjan Marjanovic
16201 Manojlovce
Mathematics that you know is limited (this is the result of a large number of axioms), and a few mistakes (this is a consequence of the historical heritage).My math starts with a single axiom (definition point, natural along) all other evidence to innovate. This review is performed math what is new is highlighted in red, what extends the mathematics is marked with green, know what the current mathematics highlighted in black.Invite developers to write mathematical programs that will support my advanced math, thanks. I invite readers of these articles that if you find an error in my evidence (except MS.0, as it is an axiom and does not prove it), or have ideas that expand math to come forward. Change the mathematics in which there will be unresolved task.
MS.0. The basic axiom. Point. Natural along
Beginning (end) is longer than the natural point. Natural along with two points (AB), the length
between points (AB). Natural along the base length.Nature along the base dimensions.
MS.1. Connecting natural longer.
Natural longer connecting points. Types of mergers: (2.1) (3.1) (4.1 )....
MS.2. Fit natural cycles along. Naturally along the lines.
Uniform (finite, infinite) cycle, the forms (2.1) (3.1) (4.1 ),..
The combined (final, infinite) cycle, combinations of natural connection longer.

Denis said:
What's your point?

It's an invitation, Denis.

Srdjan invites "developers to write mathematical programs that will support [Srdjan's] advanced math".

Such a project is right up your alley, Denis, yes?

All these cycles are natural along the line.
MS.3. Cycle connection (2.1) the direction AB. Along.
The cycle of connection (2.1 (final, infinite)) in the direction AB.
Along the required form of natural line (series connection (2.1) the direction of AB), can be finite or infinite.
MS.4. Cycle signs. The main set of numbers-natural numbers. Numerical along.
The first point (A), connecting the points (B, C, D,...) in a cycle of (2.1 (the direction AB,infinite (along numeric)))replace the cycle of signs: (0,1), (0,1,2), (0,1,2,3), (0,1,2,3,4), (0,1,2,3, 4.5),(0,1,2,3,4,5,6),
(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,, (0,1,2,3,4,5,6 , 7,8,9), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, A),
(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, A, B ),.... , cycle signs we'll call numbers.
In today's applied mathematics series characters: (0.1), (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7),(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 , 9),
(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, A, B, C, D, E, F). We will apply (0,1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9) because he isa mass
use. Set the current math axiom, mine is a basic set of numbers (N = {0,1,2,3,4,5,...}.
MS.5. Copying from the basic set of numbers into another set of skup.Re-set.
From the basic set of numbers are copied ((;)with repetition without repetition, finally, endless,
combined) in the second set. Re-set (;;) is the release of a set of number brackets (code sets,
= sign) to another form of description set.Re-set together with a number, just remove the brackets
(code set, character =).
MS.6. Re-set set- frequency. Sign connecting _ (minimum 2) re-set sets.
Same set of numbers (minimum 2) to re-set in frequency. Form: a (number) f (mark frequency),
b (as there are same number), b (end frequency). Simple form.
MS.7.Re-set set-srcko.
Set of numbers (minimum 2) where the distance to the furthest point to the same re-set in srcko.
Form:a (initial number), b (distance), c (final number, if there is srcko final, unless there is
srcko is infinite). Simple form.
MS.8.Re-set set-srcko + pendant
Reset meeting (srcko) joined the other numbers (minimum 1) not reset in srcko,have the same
distance (b) the number srcka. Form: a (initial number), b (distance), c (final number, if
There srcko is final, unless there is srcko is infinite), d (pendant-number). Simple form.
mmm4444bot,Denis-Be clear and specific
MS.9.Reset set-srcko + frequency (not a common number).
Reeti meetings (srcko, frequency) have jointly no number .Form: a (initial number), b (distance)
c (final number, if any srcko is final, unless there is srcko is infinite), d (number)
f (frequency code), e (as there are same numbers e (end frequency). The simple form.
MS.10.Reset set-srcko + frequency (a common number (numbers)).
Reset meetings (srcko, frequency) have jointly number .Form: a (initial number), b (distance)
c (final number, if any srcko is final, unless there is srcko is infinite), d (joint
number), f (frequency code), e (as there are same number), e (end frequency). Simple form.
MS.11. Comparability of the two numbers (a, b). The simple form.
The number is comparable with the number of b:
1. final point of a more distant from the ultimate point of b, the starting point. a> b
2. final point of the final point of b are equidistant from the starting point. a = b
3. final point of B is farther from the ultimate point of a, the starting point. a <b
MS.12. Point numbers, points numeric long (N).
The starting point of each number is the point where the number 0 Final each number is the point where
a number (except the number 0, which is the starting, final point in the same place). Other points of the
between the starting point, final point (except number 1, who has just starting, final point).
denis-sale basis advanced mathematics that can solve many problems that mathematics can not be present.
MS.13. Internal calculation (a relationship), the gap numbers.
The number (a) is static, the number of (b) moves the longer the Number (N points) starting point.
This will explain the relationship with number (a=5) and the number of (b=2)...
-place for internal calculations-
-place for the numbers gap (gap marked with red numbers)-
Tag gap numbers: a (a number), c (gaps between numbers and (b)), b (b). Simple form.
intended for trained mathemematics
Theorem: to prove that every real number is the result of divisions of two integers
To prove this theorem, I will bring the term (one digit, two digit , three digit,... real numbers), they show how many digits beyond the natural (whole) numbers after the commas (points)
R = Z: (10 ^ x), x different from the number zero
b = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} a = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} possible values and a(b)
R-real numbers, Z-whole numbers
x = 1, Z : (10 ^ 1) = {Z, Z.b}
x = 2, Z: (10 ^ 2) = {Z, Z.b, Z.ab}
x = 3, Z: (10 ^ 3) = {Z, Z.b, Z.ab, Z.aab}
x = 4, Z: (10 ^ 4) = {Z, Z.b, Z.ab, Z.aab, Z.aaab}
x = 5, Z: (10 ^ 5) = {Z, Zb, Z.ab, Z.aab, Z.aaab, Z.aaaab}
when the value of x is infinite, as the results are all real numbers
This evidence proves that the real and rational numbers one and the same numbers to irrational numbers do not exist, set this theorem to their mathematics teachers, and this shows that the current mathematics is limited and that there are errors (this is one of the errors). All solutions are not shown because for this we need all the infinite states, but was given a sample (as well as natural (whole) numbers are not written all but given sample. You think differently from what you give in school.
MS.14. Internal calculations-addition a + b
Addition is the result of a merger (which is static) of a (which exists at the points of a
its starting point), it can be:
- complete (no b exists at all points of a)
-part (number b there at 2, over a number of points, for a less than complete)
-respectively (b is the number one point of a)
Tags internal calculations (. c.), c (point (point) on the number of long and where is
internal calculations, is given as the number-srcko + pendants-srcko)
General solution-completely a = b, and c <b,a> 0 (final point of the merger (the starting point b, located on the
final point of a), d (can be a number or code b)
In part, individually derived from the complete collection
General solution-complete a> b, a> 1, c (a-b +1 current subtraction, addition), d (final point of
merger (the starting point b, is the final point of a), e (number of points, the number a + 1 = e)
Displayed separately for the addition of a = 5, b = 2
(.0.) 5+2=5
(.1.) 5+2=5
(.2.) 5+2=5
(.3.) 5+2=5
(.4.) 5+2=6
(.5.) 5+2=7
To understand what you write, we will begin to be taught in school mathematics, of natural numbers and the semi-numeric line.
Addition: add in general form a + b = c, that it is shown visually on the number semi-line showing where the number a, number b, number c as a result of addition. Example: a = 3, b = 1 ( 1) so the number of b moves on the number line and semi-line with a number, what you get is a number c ( 4).


Watch ratio (number a) and (b number) (4 to 8 to infinity). This discovery was gap numbers ( general form a.( c ).b-where c (the distance between the numbers (a, b )) . 3.(0).1 , 3.(1).1 , 3(2).1 , 3.(3).1 , ...
consider the ratio (of a) and (b number) (1 to 4). This relationship we will call the extended addition. in order to distinguish one from another we will introduce the concept of (the number of points - point numeric semi-line, it places a numerical semi-line where there are numbers.
(.x.)stands for the number of points
(.0.) 3+1=3
(.1.) 3+1=3
(.2.) 3+1=3
(.3.) 3+1=4

All these additions can be rewritten in reduced form, for this we need new concepts (frequency, srcko-MS.6, MS.7) and their relationship when they have a common number.
(.013.) 3+1=3f3.14

partial solution to the set of points (0,1,3) in order to show the need to introduce a new concept. srcko should be added to another number.
(.011_3.) 3+1=3f2.14
This is the new math. I guess I was clear.
Does anybody here understand the purpose of this guy's posts?

I gave up quite awhile ago trying to follow this thread because I have trouble understanding a lot of kumarevo's English.


Under "Natural Mathematics" appears the definition of "The basic axiom":

Beginning (end) is longer than the natural point. Natural along with two points (AB), the length
between points (AB). Natural along the base length.Nature along the base dimensions.

< Associated image shows line segment with endpoints labeled A and B >
