ms math

I believe that current mathematics is limited (a consequence of a large number of axioms), I will ask you a question: how did you explain the following problem with numbers
1. points A and B, between them there is a line, distance
2. points A and B, between them there is no line, distance

Since this is a matter for you, feel free to ask anything you don't understand.
adding or joining , as performed

R a+b=c same as now, combined numbers 222+33=2253, when they are the same along (gap) they are joined, here 2 and 3, we get 5

R2 here there is an operation function (the same applies to other Rn) , 1(R2) 3+14=(3,42) , 2(R,R2) 3+24={7 ,(3,42)} , 3(R-R2) 3+34= (7, 42)},4(R,R2,R-R2) , 3+4 4={7,(3,42) , (7.42)}
(2,32)+(3.32)=(5 .62)

R3 5(R,R2 , R3) , 3+54={7 , (3 ,42 ), (3 , 0 , 43)} , 6(R-R2, R3) , 3+64={( 7 , 42) , ( 3 , 0 , 43} , 7(R, R2-R3) , on


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addition over terms of combined numbers

R 22math]\dot+[/math]332={ 734 , 2372}
procedure 2+3=5 , 2+3=23 , 2+2=4 , merge, get 734
procedure 2+3=23 , 2+3=5 , 2+2=22 , merge, get 2372


332math]\dot+[/math]22={ 82 ,325 , 62 }
procedure3+2=5 , 3+2=32 , merge, get 82
procedure 3+2=32 , 3+2=5 , merge, get 325
procedure2+2=4 , 2+2=22 , merge, get 62

Rn you can understand for yourself from the preceding form of addition and the above adverb