[MOVED] Subtracting Integer Prealgebra


New member
Aug 31, 2008
I need help please. I need to know when simplifing integer with subtracting in algebra. I do not understand when you have three or four expression how can you tell if your addend change from a positive to a negative and what is the reason.

Example: -2+ -11 - -3

I am under the expression that -2 does not change, do you keep the + sign? Then I am under the expression that you change -11 to a +11 add the + sign which becomes -2++11 which then is a unlike sign so you subtract the signs and this becomes +9 then you change the plus sign to and addition sign and +9 + + 3 makes these likes sign so you add which becomes +12.

I do know that the answere is wrong. The correct answere is -10. The problem I am having is why does the -11 stays the same. and the -3 changes into +3. I cannot find a rule for simplifing subtracting with three and four numbers.

If you can help me with this it will be very much appreciated, and also tell me where I can go to find worksheets with three and four expressions and the rule it would help me out to pass this class. Thanks Grace

Do not understand fully.
your example should be written in the following manner ...

-2 + (-11) - (-3)

working from left to right with the first two terms ...

-2 + (-11) = -13

when you add two numbers with the same sign, you just add the two numbers and keep the sign. think about this ...
if you owed someone $2 and owed someone else $11, how much do you owe in total?

now the last part ...

-13 - (-3) = -13 + 3 = -10

think of subtraction as adding the opposite. say you owed a total debt of $13, but one of the people you owe said to take away (forget about) $3 of what you owe ... how much do you owe now?