Most calculators have 2 different logs on them: log, which is based 10, and ln, which is based e. In computer science, digital computers are based on the binary numbering system which means that there are only 2 numbers available to the computer, 0 and 1. When a computer scientist needs a logarithm, he/she uses a log to the base 2. To find the log of a number to any base, we can use a conversion formula as shown here:
log a = log a over log b
Using this formula, find log 2 10000 . Round your answer to the hundredth's place.
In the formula there is a symbol between the first log and the a.
log a = log a over log b
Using this formula, find log 2 10000 . Round your answer to the hundredth's place.
In the formula there is a symbol between the first log and the a.