Motion word problem


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Train A travels 12 mph slower than Train B. Train A travels 200 miles in the same time as Train B takes to travel 260 miles. Find the speed of each train.
The answer I got was Train A travelling at 40mph, and Train B travelling at 52 mph. I was told this was incorrect. Am I right or wrong?
mnkrebs said:
Train A travels 12 mph slower than Train B. Train A travels 200 miles in the same time as Train B takes to travel 260 miles. Find the speed of each train.
The answer I got was Train A travelling at 40mph, and Train B travelling at 52 mph. I was told this was incorrect. Am I right or wrong?

You can check your answer yourself. If a train travels 200 miles at 40 mph, how long does it take? (since distance = rate * time, time = distance / rate)

If another train travels 260 miles at 52 mph, how long does IT take?

Are the times the same? If so, your answer is correct.