More Latex Mysteries

In the line that wouldn't render, you had [FONT][/FONT] tags embedding within your \(\displaystyle \LaTeX\). Otherwise it would have rendered:

\(\displaystyle \displaystyle \{6(k + 1) + 1\}^2 + \sum_{j=1}^{(k+1)+1} (3j - 2)^2 =\)

If you're using the WYSIWYG editor mode, and you copy/pasted the code from another text editor, it would be easy to miss such tags being embedded.
In the line that wouldn't render, you had [FONT][/FONT] tags embedding within your \(\displaystyle \LaTeX\). Otherwise it would have rendered:

\(\displaystyle \displaystyle \{6(k + 1) + 1\}^2 + \sum_{j=1}^{(k+1)+1} (3j - 2)^2 =\)

If you're using the WYSIWYG editor mode, and you copy/pasted the code from another text editor, it would be easy to miss such tags being embedded.
Thanks, Mark. I have no idea how anything got embedded in there, but I deleted the original and re-typed. It looks fine now.
… I have no idea how anything got embedded …
I do.

vBull's WYSIWYG editor is a piece of crap.

As a workaround, you may reveal formatting tags in the composition window, by clicking the upper-left menu button containing a red X. (This button has the pop-up description 'Remove Formatting'). Doing this ought to reveal all BBC tags within the composition, allowing you to remove any tags within your LaTex coding.

To return to the WYSINNWYG view, click the adjacent button (to the left). :cool: