money per person and 2nd generation


New member
Mar 1, 2014
In my base 10 math world there are rules for the gender of 1st generation numbers. They are:

Primes alternate between 1 gender and another(specifically M and F)

Composites have 3 more rules related to number of factors:
M factors > F factors = M
M factors < F factors = F
M factors = F factors = H(hermaphrodite)

Now there are even more rules for reproduction(hermaphrodites are fertile in Math World). They are:

Male mates with Female
Female mates with Male(classic reproduction rules)


Hermaphrodite mates with Female
Hermaphrodite mates with Male
Hermaphrodite mates with Hermaphrodite(resulting in 2 pregnancies)
Hermaphrodite mates with Self

All of this is because of 4 sex chromosomes like this:
XXXX: Female
XXXY: Male
XXYY: Hermaphrodite
XYYY: Male

0,2,5,10,11,17,20,22,23,31,34,40,41,42,43,46,47,50 ,55,59,61,62,68,71,79,80,82,85,88,89,92,94,and 100 are male

4,8,16,32,64,and 25 are hermaphroditic

the rest of the 101 numbers are female.

Given these reproduction rules and that every number gets x chances of reproduction and these operations:
nth root
how many 2nd generation numbers are there?

Also the mother is one of the addends for +, the minuend for -, one of the factors(specifically the multiplicand which is what you are multiplying) for *, the dividend for /, the base for ^, the index for nth root, and both the base and exponent for tetration. So this reduces the potential amount in half

Also, assuming everything is free until all the x+101 numbers get an equal amount of money and 1 person produces per year 13,146,337,252,759,428 dollars(5 of each denomination of the third Zimbabwe dollar * 73(which is 365/5)), and that 5 people are producing money how many years will it take to get an equal amount of money to everyone? How much money will each number have after those y years?

Just to clarify the Third Zimbabwe Dollar denominations from 1 up are:

1 dollar
5 dollars
10 dollars
20 dollars
100 dollars
500 dollars
1000 dollars
10000 dollars
20000 dollars
50000 dollars
100000 dollars
500000 dollars
1 million dollars
10 million dollars
100 million dollars
200 million dollars
500 million dollars
1 billion dollars
5 billion dollars
10 billion dollars
20 billion dollars
50 billion dollars
10 trillion dollars
20 trillion dollars
50 trillion dollars
100 trillion dollars