Modulo 3 operation on days/seconds


New member
May 7, 2015

Simple question..
I want to do a modulo 3 operation on the number of days in a month (28/30/31).
and based on that i want to put my user into 3 different groups.. i am also willing to use seconds and do a modulo 3 on it put my user into 3 different groups..
Do you think second approach will be more efficient in terms of having differetn users put into different groups? I mean would collision be less if opt for seconds rather than day?
Thanks in advance!

Simple question..
I want to do a modulo 3 operation on the number of days in a month (28/30/31).
and based on that i want to put my user into 3 different groups.. i am also willing to use seconds and do a modulo 3 on it put my user into 3 different groups..
Do you think second approach will be more efficient in terms of having differetn users put into different groups? I mean would collision be less if opt for seconds rather than day?
Thanks in advance!

I'm not sure what you mean by 'would collision be less' but assume you did the mod 3 on number of seconds in a month. If you use a standard 60 seconds per minute, 60 minutes per hour and 24 hours in a day, there are 3*(28800 d) seconds in a month where d is the number of days and everyone would be in the '0' category.

BTW, notice that
28=31 mod(3) = 1 mod(3)