The first thing I would do is solve the associated equation. That is, for the first problem, solve \(\displaystyle x3 - 5x2 + 2x - 10 = 0\). That will have either three (not necessarily distinct) real solutions or one real and two complex solutions.
If the three real solutions are \(\displaystyle x_0< x_1< x_2\) then we can write the inequality as \(\displaystyle (x- x_0)(x- x_1)(x- x_2)> 0\). If \(\displaystyle x< x_0\) all three factors are negative so their product is negative so \(\displaystyle x< x_0\) is not a solution. If \(\displaystyle x_0< x< x_1\), then the first term, \(\displaystyle x-x_0\) is positive but the other two are still negative and f is positive.....
Of course, you should also consider the possibilities \(\displaystyle x_0= x_1< x_2\) and \(\displaystyle x_0< x_1= x_2\) as well as \(\displaystyle x_0= x_1= x_3\(\displaystyle .
And, of course, if the equation has one real root, and two complex roots, the polynomial can be written \(\displaystyle (x- x_0)(ax^2+ bx+ c)\) where \(\displaystyle ax^2+ bx+ c\) is either always positive or always negative (why). Can you see how that will affect when f is positive or when it is negative?\)\)