Merry Christmas!


Elite Member
Jan 28, 2005

. . \(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}A \\ B\;C \\ D\;E\;F \\ G\;H\;I\;J \\ K\;M\;N\,O\,P \\ Q\;R\;S\;T\;U\;V \\ W\,X \\ Y\:Z \end{array}\)


The missing ell might be some kind of joke. Soroban left it out last year, too.

I note that Soroban didn't really deck the halls this year. Christmas cheer is down this season, across the board.

I read some where that Feynman started this greeting card.....
hi guys I am new to this program and I am a disbled 54 year old man trying to learn basic maths,I have no idea of what is my level of math ? how can I find and improve from my level?

In future posts, please use the [NEWTOPIC] button located on the boards' index pages to start your own thread for each question separately. If you append your question at the end of somebody else's discussion, your question might be skipped. (More information about what we expect from you on the FreeMathHelp boards is presented in the post titled, "Read Before Posting".)

I cannot speak about how your disability might impair your ability to learn math, but one suggestion is to use a search engine to locate math lessons, tutorials, and exercises on the Internet.

Here's a start, for you.

The Khan Academy has hundreds of free, short videos (about 10 minutes) on many math subjects. Scroll down to the Arithmetic section, and start watching the videos in the order they are listed in the index. You should begin to get an idea of where your math skills are lacking.

If you read or see something that you do not understand, feel free to come back here and post a specific question (in your own thread).

If you have funds, consider enrolling in remedial math courses at a community college. Most provide personalized instruction. Most also offer math placement-tests at low cost, to evaluate your math level.

Cheers ~ Mark
