Measuring Circular Motion (Track Problem)


Junior Member
Oct 18, 2011
Samantha is jogging around the perimeter of a circular track at a rate of 10 ft/sec. The track has a radius of 100 yards. After 10 seconds, Samantha turns and runs along a radial line to the center of the circle. Once she reaches the center, she turns and runs along a radial line to her starting point on the perimeter. Assume Samantha does not slow down when she makes these two turns.

So what I am seeing of this problem is like this
1. She is jogging around the perimeter of a circle track at 10 ft/sec
2. Track has a radius of 100 yards
3. She runs along a radial line (I don't really know what radial line means, but does it mean it passes through the center of the circle?)
4. She reaches Center
5. She turns and runs along the radial line back to the starting point


So how far has Samantha traveled once she returns to his starting position?

I understand the perimenter part, but I am confuse on what it means when she runs along a radial line.
Can anyone help?
How far has she travelled when she turns for the radial line?

A line segment from the perimeter of the circle to the center of the circle is a "radius". Running on a radius would be the same as travelling on a radial line.

Thus: Radius + Radius + Answer to my first question.