mean 76, stand. dev 15, top 15% A's, bottom 10% B's. Find...


New member
Apr 17, 2009
The mean grade on a final examination in statistics was 76 and the standard deviation was 15. The top 15% of the students are to received A's and the bottom 10% are to receive B's. Assume the grades are normally distributed: (a) determine the minimum score to receive an A; (b) the minimum score to pass.
Re: Statistics

Godisgood said:
The mean grade on a final examination in statistics was 76 and the standard deviation was 15. The top 15% of the students are to received A's and the bottom 10% are to receive B's. Assume the grades are normally distributed: (a) determine the minimum score to receive an A; (b) the minimum score to pass.
You have posted 5 problems - without showing a line of work.

Please show us your work, indicating exactly where you are stuck - so that we know where to begin to help you.
Godisgood said:
Don't know where to start.
To obtain the private instruction you seek (which it is not reasonably feasible to attempt to provide here), please consider hiring a qualified local tutor and setting aside a few hours a week for diligent study sessions.

By working with you face-to-face, your tutor will be better able to locate the gaps in your background which are preventing you from understanding the current material well enough to make any attempt on any of your homework. Your tutor can then reteach this missing content, and help you get caught up with the class.

My best wishes to you in your studies! :D