Max. value of z, subject to 3x + y <= 24, 6x + 4y <= 6


Junior Member
Jul 24, 2006
Find the maximum value of z = 20x + 8y, subject to:

. . .3x + y <= 24
. . .6x + 4y <= 66
. . .x > 0
. . .y > 0

My answer is 160, but I'm not sure. Thanks for any help given.
Re: Maximum value of z, need help please

Hello, Navyguy!

This is a Linear Programming problem.

Find the maximum value of \(\displaystyle z\:=\:20x\,+\,8y\)

subject to: \(\displaystyle \:\begin{array}{cccc} 3x\,+\,y\:\leq\:24 \\ 6x\,+\,4y\:\leq\:66 \\ x\:\geq\:0 \\ y\:\geq\:0\end{array}\)

Game plan
. . (1) Graph the region.
. . (2) Test the vertices.

Since \(\displaystyle x\,\geq\,0,\:y\,\geq\,0\), we are in Quadrant I.

To graph \(\displaystyle 3x\,+\,y\:\leq\:24\) . . .

Graph the line: \(\displaystyle \:3x\,+\,y\:=\:24\)
. . It has intercepts \(\displaystyle (8,\,0),\:(0,\,24)\)
. . Draw the line, shade the region below the line.

To graph \(\displaystyle 6x\,+\,4y\:\leq\: 66\) . . .

Graph the line: \(\displaystyle \:6x\,+\,4y\:=\:66\)
. . It has intercepts \(\displaystyle (11,\,0),\:(0,\,16.5)\)
. . Draw the line, shade the region below the line.

The region looks like this:
        | *
        |   *
   16.5 o     *
        |:::*   *
        |:::::::* * (5,9)
        |:::::::::::::* *
        |:::::::::::::::*   *
        |:::::::::::::::::*     *
        |:::::::::::::::::::*       *
        |:::::::::::::::::::::*         *
        |                       8          11

Three of the vertices are obvious: \(\displaystyle \:(0,\,0),\:(8,\,0),\:(0,\,16.5)\)

The fourth vertex is the intersection of: \(\displaystyle \,\left\{\begin{array}{cc}3x\,+\,y\:=\:24 \\ 6x\,+\,4x\:=\:66\end{array}\)
. . Solve the system and get: \(\displaystyle \,(5,\,9)\)

Test the vertices in the \(\displaystyle z\)-function.

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{cccc}(0,\,0): & z\:=\:20(0)\,+\,8(0) & = & 0 \\
(8,\,0): & z\:=\:20(8)\,+\,8(0) & = & 160 \\
(0,\,16.5): & \;z\:=\:20(0)\,+\,8(16.5) & \;=\; & 132 \\
(5,\,9): & z\:=\:20(5)\,+\,8(9) & = & \underbrace{172}_{\text{max}} \end{array}\)

Therefore, \(\displaystyle x\,=\,5,\:y\,=\,9\,\) produces the maximum \(\displaystyle z\).
